The only silent beach I have ever seen is at Sarasota. I got a handful of adjectives to describe the view of the sunset at Siesta say, awe-inspiring, amazing, incredible, beautiful, peaceful, lovely, adorable, fabulous and fantastic ! The sand was fine and milky white .The sky was adorned in orange, purple and pink. Yeah m sure, I was not dreaming.
The beach was like every child's dream with the waves swaying, gently touching the feet, pulling .With the ripples of the water carving along the shallow shore in beautiful curves and the silent waves of the clear water showcasing a myriad of sea shells fallen at the feet, all I had to do was to reach for it.
The tide was not intimidating. The sand was not viscous.It was like a warm welcome, a hug from mother nature. A bunch of people with gentlemen adorned in silver grey wedding suits and ladies in sea green wedding gowns, went past me. I saw a flock of sea gulls coming out of nowhere, silently watching over the wedding group. I confirm , I was not dreaming. The bunch cleared in 10 minutes and so did the sea gulls.
My friend took her toddler to the waters , and pulled him back as the waves touched his feet gently. Watching me walk to the waters, he came running to me. All the five little fingers on his right got the grip from the little finger on my left. He was lilting, giggling , enjoying and jumping with all his might, like he was dancing to the silent beat of the ocean. He was smiling at me all the time. The cute friendship , that I shared with this little buddy was what made me feel more than happy, while I saw a ship heading to the shore at a distance that seemed to be very close.Ofcourse , I was not dreaming.
I learnt that the fine sand is warm through night and day. I sat their watching the wonderful vista. The warmth of the sand and the silence of the sea was like a talk with the God. I believed my very presence at the shore is a blessing sent from above.So, I could nt ask for more. I enjoyed this tranquility, feeling like one with the universe, until it dawned on me at dusk , it was time I left the place and life is but a dream.
a cool chilly experience... :)
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