My kid meticulously messes up things in the house (like I dont) with all the care and due respect to every single entity in his toybox. All his toys wud be juxtaposed, only I wudnt get to see the carpet clear. Almost everytime I see anything like this (not when I play with him), I tell him , "I cant turn my back on you for a second", in a voice almost a grumble.
Today I tucked him for a cat nap and went on my way clearing the carpet , so I cud run the vacuum cleaner before he's up to build his electronic city (?! ).
Guess what ? Before I cud ask him why he was around, still not sleeping, he muttered ,"I cant turn my back on you for a second". When I cudnt believe wat I had just heard, he was all smiles....... My Sweety !
good one...
wow nice one..
above all.. a full post in Peter English.. awesome..
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